Welcome to Goreans Portal Radio !
Tal and greetings Goreans,
Goreans Portal Radio is a Gorean radio station providing news, music and discussions.
We are with you since 2003, growing and expanded into Second Life.
Popular Programs
Competition and Dance Exhibition ...
It's the place to be and GPR is happy to bring you life in your dance events.
Check our ScheduleTarn & Tharlarion Race, Reading books & Show with Discussions ...
Our broadcasters are happy to come to you each week with pleasure & excitement.
Check our ScheduleTal and greetings Goreans,
Goreans Portal Radio is a Gorean radio station providing news, music and discussions.
It began in 2003 as a radio station on MIRC bringing as its mission the entertainment and discussions for Goreans. Always known from July, 2003 as Goreans Portal Radio transitioned to Second Life growing and expanding, but still maintaining its high quality of musical entertainment, news and education for all Goreans. It is a 24/7 station now.
A station for every Gorean, we have maintained our motto, from the beginning, SIMPLY GOREAN SIMPLY THE BEST!
Thank you for being a part of Goreans Portal Radio.
an edito from Αrête and Varik
For memory, previous website is available under this link. -
« It is not about us, it is about serving Gor and our listeners »
The mandate of Goreans Portal Radio is, and has always been to be a positive presence on Gor, to model the score values of Gor and to provide a place for discussion, education and entertainment that is for, by, about and to Goreans.
Simply Gorean - Symply The Best
Good Communication
ladina: Master, i was surprised to see that another station was acknowledged on your advertising really it's not our business but i admit i was surprised! Gorean Public Radio
Varik Marat: that was my fault.... I never really knew
ladina: by the way, that hud thing is just amazing! ooo it's us?? hahahahaah YAY
Varik Marat: so it should say Portal?
ladina: yes, Master. The name is Goreans Portal Radio ...with an "s" on Goreans.Our Testimonials
« none of it would happen without You »
you can tell us sweet words here ...
Glorious Ar - 25 May, 2006. The Order of Ar is hereby awarded to Goreans Portal Radio in recognition of honorable, competent, and consistently loyal contribution to the wellbeing of all who look to the homestone of Ar. So ordered, by Fidelio Matador, Administrator of Ar on this date, 25 May, 2006.
You wish share something with us ? You just need to contact us and we will add your sweet words here about our radio.
Event Request
Thank you for inquiring about Goreans Portal Radio coverage.
Can you please provide the following information so we can best determine how we can meet your needs ?
Please note, we cannot do events on homestead sims and two weeks notice is preferable for us to complete all the necessary steps.
Please tell us Name of Event/Occurance and what will actually happen, and what you would like GPR to do.
When (Two weeks notice is ideal, we can try to work with less) and time in SLT.
Please note that our radio shows are 2 hours in length, on the odd hours. Example 1 - 3pm.
Contact Person at host sim/City (A person who will provide information between Goreans Portal Radio and the host sim).
Please note the rules below :
- Goreans Portal Radio is to be the only station to broadcast the event.
- Any advertising of the event by the host will include the following "This event will be broadcast live by Goreans Portal Radio"
- Goreans Portal Radio will post a sign at the location.
- You are responsible to ensure that all appropriate people of your Homestone are aware of the contractual requirements, and uphold them.
- Please identify a contact person to keep Goreans Portal Radio informed of changes, scheduling, and other information in a timely manner.
- Goreans Portal Radio will be streamed to the location for 24 hours prior to the event. To stream : http://listen.gpr-goreansportal.com:8413
- No other music, instruments, dance vases or other devices will be used nor will people be encouraged to turn off the radio for any reason.
- Goreans Portal Radio is here to serve the community of Gor. There are no charges for our services, and the broadcasters do not take tips.
For Dance Contests :
A named contact from each host sim must provide all required music files, in mp3, format to the broadcaster 48 hours in advance of the event. (Skype is the preferred file transfer program unless the broadcaster agrees to another).
The host sim must inform the dancers that :
- The Broadcaster cannot start and stop the song at specific points, but will play the entire song
- The Broadcaster cannot find another song at the event
- If the dancer has not chosen a song, the selection by the broadcaster is random. They cannot choose one with specific traits (i.e. piano, with a fast beat)
- The dance should be timed to the song chosen. If the dancer requires the song to be played twice, that should be indicated on the note card. After a song is played twice, the broadcaster will talk to the audience and wait for the dance to finish.
After submitted, we will be in touch with you soon.
Request your favorite song !
When there are no live broadcasters, GPR will bring to you random tracks from your broadcaster's favorite playlists.
You can request and play your favorite songs and submit them to the AutoDJ, your song will be automatically played for others to enjoy on the next track !
You will need to provide us the title song/artist name or the closest version of it, then selected it (we don't know all of them), next you will need to select the artist / title song. After you submited your favorite song, please be patient :)
We can broadcast
your Event !Few examples :
- Dance Exposition, Exhibition & Competition
- Tournament (Tarns, Tharlarion, Swords, Sack race ...)
- Grand Opening, Anniversary
- CompanionShip Ceremony,
- Theatre or Special Party
- Live Discussion
- and more ... You have an idea ? Contact us !
Staff & Broadcasters of GPR
Management Behind the Scenes Manager - Varik Marat
Public Relations - VictorianLace Goodliffe
Events Manager - Gregor Kobeshimi
Technical Director - Dehka SweetwaterGregor Kobeshimi - Events Cordinator - Contact if you have event
VictorianLace Goodliffe - Contact for Schedule Sign Placement
liberty Luckstone - Contact to become an Amazing Anytimers - tarn girl helper
Contact any Staff Member for Applications, Scheduling & general Station inquiries or send notes to "gprscrolls Resident"
Active Broadcaster Free Men Free Women kajirae Zane Kanze zane.kanze
BryanR (bryanr1.reitman) bryanr1.reitman
Varik Marat varik.marat
Blackwine for the Grumpy Gorean
Angel Aji angel.aji
Gregor Kobeshimi gregor.kobeshimi
Kaden (drizantlar.veriander) drizantlar.veriander
VictorianLace Goodliffe victorianlace.goodliffe
Dehka Sweetwater dehka.sweetwater
Crystal (samira.firecaster) samira.firecaster
Hips Wigglesworth hips.wigglesworth
Pickups Broadcasters Gone but Never Forgotten ladina Fauna
left us June 30th 2011talena Ember
left us Jan 23rd 2011
talena was devoted and beautiful in her manner here at the station. She researched music memories and provided fascinating shows. She also had a great sense of humor and Goreans Portal Radio will miss the devoted kajira that talena was, and the sweet voice of Southern ComfortBroadcasters on Hiatus Dar Dion dar.dion
ŜΚÄ ĽĐ (tomas.wildcat) tomas.wildcat
Ame Starostin (amethyst.starostin) amethyst.starostin
blue (bluebird.benelli) bluebird.benelli
Tarn Girls Lead TarnGirl: liberty Luckstone
cira Hawker cira.hawker
blue (bluebird.benelli) bluebird.benelli
mily Sandalwood mily.sandalwood
ebony Breda ebony.breda
rani (honor.winslet) honor.winslet
lark Bowen lark.bowen
kayla Khan kayla.khan
sugar (sugardc.pexie) sugardc.pexie
ησναℓєιgн (novaleigh.freng) novaleigh.freng
jaelyn Cristole jaelyn.cristole
tarnGirl Resident tarngirl.resident
lirael (akinyimarie) akinyimarie
To listen us
To stream GPR from your land on SecondLife :
- Click on " World "
- Click on " About Land "
- Click on " Media Tab "
- Type : http://listen.gpr-goreansportal.com:8413
- Enjoy !
Instructions for your media player :
Through Winamp
- Right click on the lightening near the top, on the right
- Click Play
- Click Location
- Input http://listen.gpr-goreansportal.com:8413
- Click Open (should play after that)
Through Windows Media Player 11- Open Windows Media Player
- Keyboard Command Control + u
- Input http://listen.gpr-goreansportal.com:8413
- Click ok
Through iTunes- Click Advanced at top Left of iTunes
- Select Open Audio Stream
- Input http://listen.gpr-goreansportal.com:8413
- Click ok
Through VLC Player- Click Media
- Click Open Network Stream
- Input http://listen.gpr-goreansportal.com:8413
- Click Play
Amazing Anytimers, Loyals Sims that stream us - Join the program ...
Visit the sim : http://slurl.com/secondlife/Tharna%20City/152/52/24
The City of Tharna is the subject of the second of the Gor novels, Outlaw of Gor.
Tharna was once like any other Gorean city. But, over many generations, female dominance became the norm. The city was ruled by a Tatrix, a queen. She wore a gold mask of a beautiful but cold face. Her Robes of Concealment were also gold in color. All women in the city wore similar masks though their masks were made of silver. Tharna was known for providing hospitality to strangers unlike most other cities. Free women walk unattended, with no need for bodyguards. They walk with an imperious step and the men step aside so they do not touch any of the women.
Tharna has great wealth due to its abundant silver mines, over a hundred of them. Tharna is also known as the City of Silver. They are worked by male slaves.
Also outside the cities is located the Pillar of Exchanges, a place where Tharna and its enemies exchange prisoners. Market Tharna has a two large markets where you can buy a complete range of goods. There are plenty of Gorean shops as well as large selection of clothes and accessories.Visit the sim : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Poseidon's%20Adventure/128/128/2
We breed and train G&S Tharlarions in a natural environment. Contact owner Sly Silvercloud (lorddesires.silvercloud) or trainer Hips Wrigglesworth for your tharlarion needs. All are welcome. An official racetrack of the Tharl Racers of Gor.Visit the sim : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Applegate/20/12/24
Gorean wild land near the village of Twin Falls. Deep forest, cave and canyon for beasts to hide. Seeking gorean beasts willing to settle on the land. Larls, sleens and other beats welcome.Visit the sim : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jungles%20of%20Gor/53/39/21
Home of the Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe and the Korat Trading Post. Offering a combination of safe, consensual gorean role play to the north of the river, while a bit more "edge" in the Southern Jungles. Two regions in the Jungles of Gor. Open to all.Visit the sim : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Raven/211/220/752
BTB GOR Deep in the Thentis Mountains at the head of the Olni River, surrounded by fields of black wine, famed for its wild tarns & silver mines. slave, kajira, Warriors, Tarnsmen, DG CoinVisit the sim : http://turia.weebly.com/
"Turia the high-walled, the nine-gated, was the Gorean city lying in the midst of the huge prairies claimed by the Wagon Peoples. Never had it fallen." Nomads of Gor, pg. 1, by John NormanInformation to be providedInformation to be provided
Stream us on your land and become an anytimers
Amazing Anytimers is a program that consists of Sims signing up and saying they support GPR by streaming us 24/7 & we show our gratitude of that Support by traveling to these sims.
Then you are placed on a list which is sent to our broadcasters once a week and they use that list to plan where they are going to broadcast from if they already do not have prior commitments.
Being an Amazing Anytimer means that our broadcasters can visit and do a show from your sim at any time. We try to visit each anytimer once per month but our staff is free to do their shows from wherever sims they wish. As a sim owner you may contact any broadcaster you like to request a visit and expect that they will grand your wish if possible. The Anytimers program is voluntary on the part of our staff but most of the members realize the value of supporting the effort. The Amazing Anytimers is a great tool for maintaining our listener support and a good way to express our support for our friends in SL Gor.
Your Sim will also be put on a voice ad along with the names of the other anytimers sims and put on the autostream. This will be changed out every week just like the list that is sent out to the broadcasters.
Your Sim will Also be added to the Amazing Anytimers web page. This will consist of Your Sim picture logo, a brief write up about your sim, also a small write up for your Market,a slurl (LM) to your sim, and a link to your web page if you have one.
Because GPR is about you ...
As land owner, your sim rules continue to apply when an event or a broadcaster's show comes to your place. We can try to help enforce your rules but we ask representatives of the city to be the final word in any situation. If problem with a visitor, we encourage the listener in question to join us at another show if something is wrong. Please refer to our Schedule.
If this all sounds interesting to you, please contact Varik Marat inworld or ask any staff member for an application or to answer your questions.
Join us and become a Broadcaster
The reason Goreans Portal Radio uses the term "broadcaster" or BC rather than DJ is because it better reflects what we do. At Goreans Portal Radio, we don't just play music. The broadcaster's personality and skill make the programming unique and bring and keep audience.
Second Life adds a whole new dimension to what we can bring to the audience - visual connection. Goreans Portal Radio is not a voice in the air, it is real people, connected with the audience, talking to them, and keeping them involved. We have always held that it's not the music alone that keeps people coming back, it is engaging personalities and a strong, vibrant and personal presence.
About show
Goreans Portal Radio is flexible around scheduling and works hard to make sure broadcaters are afforded every courtesy and comfort. Broadcasters can do one show a week or several, or even just now and then.
If you would like to apply to be a broadcaster, you need only contact any staff member for an application or send e-mail to portal@goreansportal.com
In order to ensure that we maintain that very unique presence, below are a few guidelines that will help you decide if you want to apply as a broadcaster:
- We are Gorean, all the time. Regardless of other things you may persue, when onair for Goreans Portal Radio, please be the Free Man, Free Woman or kajira that you are expected to be.
- If possbile, "all music-no talking shows" are avoided. We need to do some of those, in order to be able to keep running for the hours that we do, but shows with a person present at the station, at an event, or where there are people will always be the best shows. **Note: If you have to do an "all music-no talking" show, please get pre-recorded ads from razi and ensure they are played at least 4 times an hour.
- If possible, be physically present at an approved event, or wander to where there are Gorean people.
- It is expected that each broadcaster will promote their broadcast, tell people the day and time, and try to bring an audience. Goreans Portal Radio will also advertise your broadcast.
Goreans Portal Radio is a PUBLIC station, so we do have to follow some rules:
- No serious swearing on air.
- Do not play music with serious swearing, or about killing or raping people.
- No racist comments or music. No using the N word or music with it in it, no matter how popular the song is at the time.
If in doubt - don't say it, and don't play it.
Few tips ...
We hope that each show will be professional - that you will be prepared or be comfortable with winging it, so there is not much "uhhh.. hmmm" time onair, no coughing into the mic and things like that.
We hope to be the MOST professional station around, with a reputation for the BEST broadcasters.
slave broadcasters – maintaining an appropriate attitude on air is a difficult task that few manage successfully. The voice of a respectful, well-behaved slave is a pleasure, but slave opinions should be kept to a barely-noticed minimum.
Where ?
Our Amazing Anytimers welcome GPR to broadcast from their lands anytime. Broadcasters can choose to broadcast from this list or somewhere else in Gor, but our goal is to visit each sim on the Anytimers' List at least once per month.
Goreans Portal Radio is looking for you if you have an interest in becoming a broadcaster. Experience a plus but not required. We will help you, If you love Gor and have the desire to communicate that passion on the air. Please contact Varik Marat or any staff member for an application or for more information.
Most importantly, broadcasting is a lot of fun, easy to do, and we are a great bunch to work for and with !
Live MAP of current countries listeners